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Von der Ausbreitung des thermischen Durchgehens (Thermal Runaway) über die Montage von Elektroauto-Batterien bis hin zum Elektromotor und darüber hinaus – lassen Sie sich von 3M inspirieren.
Bewältigen Sie die Herausforderungen beim Design der E-Mobilität. Ganz gleich, ob Sie sich in der Ideenphase befinden oder bereit für die Fertigung sind, 3M kann Ihnen helfen.
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie leistungsstarke, zuverlässige und skalierbare Elektrofahrzeug-Batterie- und Elektroantrieb-Designs liefern können. Bewältigen Sie schwierige Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Schutz vor thermisichen Durchgehen (Thermal Runaway), der Montage und Demontage von Batteriepacks bei Elektroautos, der Montage von Elektromotoren und vielem mehr. Überwinden Sie Produktionsengpässe und optimieren Sie Ihren Durchsatz.
3M kombiniert etabliertes, erstklassiges Fachwissen im Bereich Lithium-Ionen-Batterietechnologien mit einem Jahrhundert Erfahrung in der Automobilindustrie. Unsere Ingenieure arbeiten direkt mit Ihnen zusammen, um Ihre Designanforderungen zu verstehen, und unser Batteriekomponenten-Testlabor ist für ein breites Spektrum an andwendungspezifischen Simulationstests ausgestattet. Globale Reichweite und Lieferquellen stellen sicher, dass Hilfe nicht weit entfernt ist.
Wenn Sie die Zukunft der E-Mobilität vorantreiben, steht Ihnen 3M vom Entwurf bis zur Lieferung und darüber hinaus zur Seite.
Finden Sie innovative Strukturklebstoffe, die zur Optimierung der Batterieverklebungsleistung beitragen. Erhöhen Sie Widerstandsfähigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit und mehr.
Unsere Strukturklebstoffe unterstützen Designtrends bei Elektroauto-Batterien wie „Cell-to-Pack“ und helfen bei der Bewältigung wichtiger Montageherausforderungen wie der Verbindung unterschiedlicher Materialien und der Gewichtsreduzierung.
Sichern Sie kritische Verbindungen in Ihren Fahrgestell- und Antriebsstrangkonstruktionen. Mehr Performance, Zuverlässigkeit und Designfreiheit in einem Paket.
Friciton Shims ermöglichen zuverlässige Lösungen für kritische Verbindungen in der Automobilindustrie. Sicherheit bei hohen Scherkräften im Fahrwerk. Verbesserung der Drehmomentübertragung und Optimierung der Leistungsdichte in Fahrzeugen mit Verbrennungsmotoren sowie mit Hybrid- oder Elektroantrieb. Durch den Einbau von 3M™ Friction Shims in Ihre Fahrwerks- und Antriebsstrangkonstruktionen können Sie den Haftreibungskoeffizienten um das bis zu 5-fache erhöhen und so die Leistung und Zuverlässigkeit bei Spitzenbelastungen verbessern – und das alles bei erweiterter Designflexibilität.
Seit über einem Jahrhundert verwenden Dutzende Branchen Klebstoffe, Dichtstoffe, Folien, Befestigungselemente und Bänder von 3M, um ihre Zykluszeiten zu verkürzen und die Montageeffizienz zu steigern. Teilen Sie uns mit, was wir für Sie tun können.
3M™ SZ1000 für die Abdichtung von Batteriegehäusen von Elektrofahrzeugen***
* Bei diesen Montageprodukten handelt es sich um Industrieprodukte. Sie wurden nicht für Automobilanwendungen entwickelt. Darüber hinaus wurden nicht alle Montageprodukte für Automobilanwendungen getestet oder validiert. Lesen Sie hier unseren vollständigen Haftungsausschluss für Kraftfahrzeuge (PDF, 67,2 KB).
*** Lesen Sie hier unsere vollständige Benutzererklärung zur Abdichtung (PDF, 94,9 KB)
Die Wartungsfreundlichkeit von Elektroauto-Batterien ist wichtig. Wenn Reparaturen erforderlich sind, müssen das Batteriegehäuse und der Deckel leicht geöffnet werden können. Bei der Wiederverwendung in Zweitanwendungen müssen Batterien zerlegt werden können, ohne dass Komponenten beschädigt werden. Beim Ende der Lebensdauer einer Elektroauto-Batterie müssen beim Recycling die Teile bearbeitet werden, damit Aluminium, Kupfer und wertvolle Mineralien wie Kobalt, Nickel und Lithium herausgenommen werden können.
Unsere Dichtstoffe können Ihnen dabei helfen, die Demontage zu vereinfachen:
Da die Branche bestrebt ist, Emissionen zu reduzieren und die Klimaziele für 2050 zu erreichen, werden Reparatur, Wiederverwendung und Recycling von Elektroauto-Batterien von entscheidender Bedeutung sein, um den CO2-Fußabdruck von Elektrofahrzeug-Batterien zu minimieren. Lösungen, die die Wartung ermöglichen, werden ein wesentlicher Bestandteil dieser Gleichung sein.
Nutzen Sie unsere fortschrittlichen Materialien und verringern Sie die Ausbreitung von thermischem Durchgehen bei Elektroauto-Batterien (Thermal Runaway) und schützen die Entlüftungswege in Ihren Batteriekonstruktionen.
Ausgewählte Barrierematerialien kombinieren niedrige Wärmeleitfähigkeit und außergewöhnliche Temperaturstabilität mit hohem elektrischen Widerstand, Flammfestigkeit und/oder Kompressionsleistung. Jetzt können Sie daran arbeiten, auch unter schwierigen Bedingungen eine optimale Batterieleistung aufrechtzuerhalten. Zum Einsatzgebiet zählen beispielsweise Anwendungen zwischen Zellen und Batteriemodulen oder Anwendungen unter dem Batteriedeckel.
Unsere fortschrittlichen Materialien zum Schutz von Entlüftungspfaden können hohe Temperaturstabilität mit leistungsstarker Wärmeisolierung kombinieren. Im Falle eines ‚Thermal Runaways‘ Ereignisses, können Sie so die kritischen Komponenten, einschließlich dem Batteriedeckel und den angrenzenden Zellen vor dem mit hohem Druck ausgestoßene Gas schützen.
Mit fundiertem Fachwissen in Batterietechnologien und umfangreichen Möglichkeiten zur Prüfung von Batteriematerialien können 3M Experten mit Ihnen zusammenarbeiten, um eine Barrierelösung für Ihre Anforderungen zu finden. Bitte geben Sie an, wie wir Ihnen helfen können.
1 00:01:27,750 --> 01:30:27,750 Text: 3M. Science. Applied to Life. ePowertrain Solutions: 3M Testing Capabilities. A lot filled with many vehicles. A man wearing safety glasses addresses the viewer. A machine issues fire. Two workers look at a piece of paper-like material that's been burned by the machine. Text: Mark Fairbanks. 3M Lead Verification and Validation. A machine issues flames and sparks. Three batteries. A battery pack structure. A worker pours a substance into a machine as another worker observes. A machine issues fire at a paper-like material. Two workers analyze the material. 2 00:02:15,083 --> 01:33:15,083 A worker puts a metal box over batteries that have been taped together. Mark connects a wire to a metal structure. Mark walks through a lab. He approaches a coworker. They work on computers together. A machine goes up in smoke in a control room. Mark and a coworker walk down a hall. Mark addresses the viewer. Text: We'll help you drive the future of eMobility. Contact 3M battery experts today. 3M. Science. Applied to Life. 3M 2023. All rights reserved. 3M is a trademark of 3M. Fades to black.
Die rasante Entwicklung der Automobilelektrifizierung erfordert ein umfassendes Verständnis dafür, wie unsere Produkte in verschiedenen Batterieanwendungen für Elektrofahrzeuge eingesetzt werden können und wie wir Innovationen für die Zukunft entwickeln können. Erfahren Sie, wie 3M fortschrittliche Testfunktionen im kleinen Maßstab nutzt, um Automobilherstellern auf der ganzen Welt große Vorteile zu verschaffen.
Mehr sehen:
Erschließen Sie energieeffiziente Batteriedesigns mit Hilfe unseres umfangreichen Portfolios an elektrischen Barrierematerialien, Harzen und Bändern.
Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Isolation von Zelldosen, Kühlplatten, Batteriemodulen und anderen hochwertigen Komponenten. Erzielen Sie eine hohe Spannungsfestigkeit, Wärmeleitfähigkeit und langfristige Durchschlagsfestigkeit für Elektroisolationsanwendungen mit hohen Temperaturen. Schützen Sie Metall- und Leiteroberflächen mithilfe von elektrischen Pulverharzen, die sich leicht an komplexe und gekrümmte Oberflächen binden lassen.
Bei 3M kombinieren wir erstklassiges Fachwissen im Lithium-Ionen-Batteriedesign mit jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung im Bereich Elektronikklebstoffe. Erfahren Sie, wie unsere Isolier- und Verbindungslösungen an Ihre Designanforderungen angepasst werden können.
Helfen Sie mit innovativen Additiven und Materialien, das Gewicht zu reduzieren und die Hitze in den Batteriepacks Ihres Elektrofahrzeugs zu kontrollieren.
Erreichen Sie leichte Konstruktionen mit Glass Bubbles – winzigen, hohlen, wärmeisolierenden Leichtfüllstoffen. Sie können schwere Füllstoffe mit einer Vielzahl von Harzen ersetzen und dabei helfen, die Anforderungen an die Wärmeisolierung zu erfüllen und die gewünschte Viskosität auch bei hohen Belastungen beizubehalten. Sie können in Formulierungen für Sheet Molding Composites verwendet werden und eignen sich hervorragend für wichtige Komponenten wie Batteriegehäuse.
Integrieren Sie mit Bornitrid Cooling Filler das Wärmemanagement in Polymere, ohne die elektrische Isolation zu beeinträchtigen. Diese wärmeleitfähigen Füllstoffe können für eine Reihe von Anwendungen verwendet werden, darunter wärmeleitfähige Klebstoffe, Beschichtungen auf Kabeln, Batteriegehäusen, Thermal Interface Materialpolstern zwischen Zellen und Lückenfüller unter Zellen.
Brauchen Sie noch mehr Kontrolle? Halten Sie Ihre Elektrofahrzeug-Batterien mit unserem Material zur Batterieverstärkung in unvorhersehbar warmen und kalten Umgebungen im optimalen Temperaturbereich. Es ist stark komprimierbar und eignet sich daher ideal für enge Räume zwischen dem Elektrofahrzeug-Akku und dem Deckel des Batteriepacks.
Wir bringen jahrzehntelange Erfahrung in den Bereichen Zusatzstoffe und Wärmemanagement-Materialtechnologien mit. An die Arbeit.
3M™ Material zur Batterieverstärkung 1807S*
Genießen Sie langanhaltende Cushioning-Leistung, einfache Installation und Kompatibilität mit manuellen oder automatisierten Montagelinien.
Die mikrozellularen Polyurethan-Cushioning-Schaumstoffe, die für das Cushioning zwischen den Batteriezellen entwickelt wurden, sind druckgeprüft und können einen über die Fläche ausgleichenden und moderaten Druck gewährleisten, sowohl beim Anschwellen der Batteriezellen, z.B. während der Ladezyklen, als auch beim Zusammenziehen, z.B. beim Stillstand des Fahrzeugs. Auf Zellebene trägt die kontrollierte Kompression dazu bei, eine möglichst gleichmäßiger Druckverteilung ohne Druckspitzen herzustellen, um die negativen Auswirkungen eines Leistungsabfalls zu verringern.
Bei 3M arbeiten wir ständig mit Automobilherstellern zusammen, um bei der Erfüllung ihrer Anforderungen zu helfen. Kontaktieren Sie uns und erfahren Sie, wie wir Ihnen helfen können.
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Elektromotor-Herstellung mit einer Reihe von Komponenten und Anwendungen optimieren können.
Sie können Lack und Harz in den Schlitzen, Keilen und Phasen durch elektrisch isolierendem Nutbuchsen-Isolierpapier ersetzen, das sich beim Aushärten ausdehnt und haftet. Verbessern Sie Ihre Laminierungsstapel-Baugruppe mit Strukturklebstoffen, die eine außergewöhnliche Metallbindungsfestigkeit mit hoher Temperaturstabilität vereinen.
Wir bieten umfassendes Fachwissen in Elektrotechnik und Materialwissenschaften mit einem Jahrhundert Erfahrung in der Automobilindustrie. Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Optimierung und Skalierung Ihrer Elektromotor-Designs.
Bei 3M denken wir immer darüber nach, mit welchen Problemen Hersteller von Elektroantrieben konfrontiert sind. Egal, ob Sie sich mit den neuesten behördlichen Vorschriften oder Industriestandards auseinandersetzen oder sich einfach fragen, was als nächstes kommt, wir sind hier, um Ihnen zu helfen.
(DESCRIPTION) Logo, 3M. Text, Science, Applied to life. Addressing Sustainability and Recyclability in Cell-to-Pack Designs. Slide title, Battery E V does not equal Zero Emission... Slide text, Battery material and cell production. Research estimates B E Vs to be 40-50% higher in C O2 footprint primarily contributed by energy consumption in battery material and cell making, causing a carbon debt to be repaid in the total life cycle of B E V. Use phase. B E Vs have higher tank—to—wheel efficiency therefore contributes less carbon footprint than engine vehicles does on a comparable kg.C O 2/K M basis. The proportion of green energy in the grid could further positively reduce carbon footprint caused by vehicle use. (SPEECH) When it comes to battery electric vehicles, we also have to review through the lens whether battery EV is creating sustainability benefits. Battery EV is invented for such a purpose. However, it's not as green as we imagined. The primary reason is the manufacturing process of battery is very energy-intensive, especially during mining and processing steps. Research shows that the initial carbon footprint of a battery EV is 40% to 50% higher than internal combustion engine vehicle. So battery vehicles has a higher carbon debt that has to be repaid during its entire life cycle in the use phase as battery EV uses electricity and has a higher energy efficiency that generates lower carbon footprint. But some researchers also suggest that battery vehicles need to drive 40,000 to 60,000 kilometers before they can clean the debt of carbon footprint created at manufacturing phase. The average lifetime mileage of a passenger vehicle is normally around 120,000 to 160,000 kilometers. That means a battery EV is not able to create environmental benefit until one third of its lifespan. These facts and calculations remind us how important it is to extend the lifespan of EV battery and get more efficiency out of its entire life cycle. That's why the second-life use of a battery and the end-of-life handling are so important. (DESCRIPTION) Slide title, Real life use case of sustainable and recyclable EV battery. 1, Rework and Repair. In the process of battery pack manufacturing and daily used of E Vs, various causes can lead to failures in components and cells within battery system that need rework and repair, 2, Reuse. With capacity, durability and performance remaining, retired E V batteries can be reused in secondary life for energy storage, light mobility and noncritical applications. 3, Recycle. At the end of life, metals such as aluminum and copper, and precious minerals, such as cobalt, nickel, and lithium, need to be extracted and recycled from spent batteries. (SPEECH) Here are a few real-life use cases of how to enhance the sustainability element of EV battery. First, batteries need to be reworked and repaired due to defects caused in manufacturing process and use phase. Second, after retiring from its primary use, a battery can be repurposed and reused for second life. And finally, at end-of-life, batteries need to be recycled. In the next few slides, I'll talk more details of each use case. (DESCRIPTION) Slide title, Repair remains a required use case for E V battery. Battery failure modes, Cell defect, Harsh working condition (e.g., water ingress), car crash, other components failure. At the center of these modes is battery failure. Text, Lithium-ion battery price survey results: volume-weighted average. Graph, Battery pack price (dollars per kilowatt hour. From 2010 to 2021, the price decreases from 1220 to 132. The solid line plateaus while a dotted line continues decreasing. (SPEECH) An EV battery needs a repair for two reasons. First, battery will experience failures. Some are caused by manufacturing defects. Some are caused by unexpected conditions in daily use, such as car crash, and this type of battery failures is inevitable. And since battery cost is significant in total vehicle cost, and it will probably remain significant for another few years, there's a good economic reason to make EV batteries repairable. (DESCRIPTION) Slide title, Reuse improves battery lifetime cost effectiveness. Use of second life battery. A house, electric bike, solar panels. Graph, Price comparison of new battery and second life battery. New Battery Price (2019), approximately 150, Second Life Battery Buying Price, approximately 75, Repurpose cost, approximately 90, Second Life Battery Selling Price, approximately 90. (SPEECH) A retired battery can be repurposed and reused for non-critical applications, such as temporary energy storage for homes, batteries for scooters, and components for large energy storage facilities. Research shows the cost of repurposing an EV battery is nearly half of a new battery. From economic standpoint, this is quite attractive. (DESCRIPTION) Slide title, Recycling is attractive for cost and carbon footprint reasons. At the left, text, Circular economy motivation. Battery total cost. Manufacturing 19%, Material 72%, Battery material cost, Other: 5%, Housing: 9%, Electrolyte: 10%, Anode: 15%, Separator: 17%, Cathode: 44%, At the right, Emission reduction motivation. In two graphs, Battery Cell Manufacturing Emissions and Battery Recycling Emissions, the emission in kilograms C O2 e kilogram per battery range from 8 to 10. (SPEECH) And finally, recycle and end of life, the materials inside battery cells are valuable and important as natural resource supply is limited. In addition to the economic aspect, energy-saving aspect is also important. Research shows that the recycle process commonly used today is comparable to making brand new batteries. This indicates that the new technologies need to be developed to reach a greener recycle process. (DESCRIPTION) Technical Information: The technical information, guidance, and other statements contained in this document or otherwise provided by 3M are based upon records, tests, or experience that 3M believes to be reliable, but the accuracy, completeness, and representative nature of such information is not guaranteed. Such information is intended for people with knowledge and technical skills sufficient to assess and apply their own informed judgment to the information. No license under any 3M or third party intellectual property rights is granted or implied with this information. Product Selection and Use: Many factors beyond 3M's control and uniquely within user's knowledge and control can affect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application. As a result, customer is solely responsible for evaluating the product and determining whether it is appropriate and suitable for customer's application, including conducting a workplace hazard assessment and reviewing all applicable regulations and standards (e.g., OSHA, A N S I, etc.). Failure to properly evaluate, select, and use a 3M product and appropriate safety products, or to meet all applicable safety regulations, may result in injury, sickness, death, and/or harm to property. Warranty, Limited Remedy, and Disclaimer: Unless a different warranty is specifically stated on the applicable 3M product packaging or product literature (in which case such warranty governs), 3M warrants that each 3M product meets the applicable 3M product specification at the time 3M ships the product. 3M makes no other warranties or conditions,express or implied,including,but not limited to,any implied warranty or condition of merchantability,fitness for a particular purpose,or arising out of a course of dealing,custom,or usage of trade. If a 3M product does not conform to this warranty, then the sole and exclusive remedy is, at 3M's option, replacement of the 3M product or refund of the purchase price. Limitation of Liability: Except for the limited remedy stated above, and except to the extent prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from or related to the 3M product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential (including, but not limited to, lost profits or business opportunity), regardless of the legal or equitable theory asserted, including, but not limited to, warranty, contract, negligence, or strict liability. Automotive and Aerospace Solutions Division 3M Center. St. Paul, Minnesota 55144-1000. Phone: 1-800-328-1684. Web: w w w dot 3M dot com slash e v battery. 3M, Command, Dual Lock, Dyneon, lnteram, Isoloss, Post-it, Scotch, Scotch-Weld, Scotchcal, Scotchcast, Scotchlite, Thinsulate and Three-M-lte are trademarks of 3M Company and its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Copyright 3M 2023 All rights reserved. Logo, 3M. Text, Science, Applied to life.
(DESCRIPTION) Logo, 3M. Text, Science, Applied to life. Addressing Sustainability and Recyclability in Cell-to-Pack Designs. What are the sustainability and recyclability challenges in C T P designs? (SPEECH) We have talked through the reasons why sustainability and recyclability are important to EV batteries. Now let's put them in the context of cell-to-pack design and see what they mean from a battery design point of view. (DESCRIPTION) Slide title, Evolution of battery pack designs — Cell-to-modules. Pouch, Prismatic, Cylindrical, German O E M Design, 35 modules, Chinese O E M Design, 12 modules, American O E M design, 21 modules. More text follows. (SPEECH) The traditional approach to construct a battery pack is first to assemble battery cells into modules and then modules into packs. Packaging at module and pack level adds weight and redundancy and therefore reduces energy density. (DESCRIPTION) Pouch, Prismatic, Cylindrical, American O E M Design, Large Modular Architecture, European O E M NextGen Platform, Large Modular Architecture, American O E M Design, Large Modular Architecture. More text follows. (SPEECH) Well, a cell-to-pack design significantly reduces the number of modules and even completely removes the module level assembly, building the whole battery pack from cell level. The benefit is that this design reduces the complexity of battery architecture, enables higher manufacturing process, and lower cost. (DESCRIPTION) Slide title, Evolution of battery pack designs — Use of bonding material. Heading, Featured design concepts. Slide text, Non—cell components and space reduced to minutesimum level to maximize energy density and drive range. Cross members in battery tray and on top of lid eliminated. Battery cells, cooling system and lid become structural components. More text follows. (SPEECH) An important feature of cell-to-pack design is to use more bonding materials to assemble the whole structure together. For instance, thermal conductive structure adhesive is used to bond the battery cells to cooling plate, potting resins, or foams are used to bond the cells, battery trays, and lid together. (DESCRIPTION) Slide title, Reconcile between CTP and repair, reuse, recycle. Life Cycle of E V Battery. In a diagram, batteries undergo repair, reuse, and recycling. Heading, Application Scenarios. Slide text, Rework and repair. In near future, defect rate of battery cell production and battery system design is still too high to disregard the need of replacement of battery cells. Cost of batteries is too high for a disposable business model and remains necessary as a service item. Heading, Reuse. Slide text, In secondary life reuse for energy storage, battery cells/modules need to be tested for state of health and arrayed in the new pack. Spent battery packs need to be dismantled to at least module level. Heading, Recycle. More text follows. (SPEECH) Well, as mentioned before, the sustainable elements of battery design require us to consider repair and rework, reuse, and recycle. This target is seemingly going against cell-to-pack design in which battery structure is more compact, less modularized, and more difficult to dismantle. So there is a strong need to reconcile these two trends. We can take a closer look at the major steps of battery repair, reuse, and recycle to get a sense of what might be the problems to solve. (DESCRIPTION) Heading, #1 Problem to be solved: Characterization of used L i B. Need for efficient selection for second life and recycling decision. Heading, Inspection. Slide text, At the end of the first life cycle, the lithium—ion batteries are collected and inspected visually or by air pressure for obvious defects such as mechanical damage or leaks. Heading, Data Evaluation. Slide text, By evaluating the usage data such as self-discharge, charge/discharge process, and state variables, a decision can be made on the further use of the battery without any major measurement effort. Heading, State of Health (S O H) Determination. Bullet points, Capacity and power determinations are costly and time consuming, as they require the use of expensive measuring equipment. By measuring the chemical and physical properties of the lithium—ion battery, such as the cathodic galvanostatic pulses or the A C measurement, the battery condition can be determined. Heading, Resistance Determination. More text follows. (SPEECH) The first problem to solve is to understand the health and performance level of used lithium ion batteries. Data such as battery chemistry, form factor, years of use, origination are used to be collected for analysis. State of health needs to be determined in a cost-effective way. And similarly, internal resistance of battery needs to be tested. All the data combined together serve the purpose to determine whether a battery can be repaired or reused or should be recycled. (DESCRIPTION) Slide title, #2 Problem to be solved: Disassembly. Heading, Cell-to-module. Slide text, Pouch. Modules are bonded to coiling plate with semi-structural adhesive. Inside the modules, cell tabs are welded together. Between cells are cushioning foams and the bottom of the module is potted with gap filler. Prismatic. Cell poles are connected and welded together. Battery cells are often bonded tightly to side plates with adhesives. Between the cells could be separators made from non-woven materials. Cylindrical. Large number of cells welded or bonded to cell connection and frame. Potting material between cells is difficult to remove. Heading, Cell-to-pack. Slide text, Battery pack design with structural integrity casts significant challenge to disassembly process when needed. (SPEECH) The second problem to solve is to disassemble the battery pack. As we mentioned, battery packs designed to achieve structural integrity has brought significant challenges for disassembly, and we'll talk about this point later in details. (DESCRIPTION) Slide title, #3 Problem to be solved: An easy recycle process. Heading, Recycle Process. In a diagram, a battery goes through a series of steps using N1, heat, hot nitrogen gas that utilizes exhaust heat, and pure cathode and anode powder. In the final step is lithium with manganese, nickel, and cobalt. Heading, Efficiency and Financials. Text, Aluminum Recovery Rate, 99.2%. Electrode Powder Recovery Rate, 99%. Electrolyte Recovery Rate, 50%. Copper Recovery Rate, 99%. Metal parts Recovery Rate, 99.5%. Plastic Recovery Rate, 80%. Total Power, 580 kilowatts, Inert Gas, 400 M 3. Other statistics follow. (SPEECH) The final problem to solve is an efficient recycle process. As we mentioned before, a recycle process needs to be both cost-effective and green. Valuable materials such as lithium and cobalt need to be recovered as much as possible. Important metals like aluminum and copper also need to be recovered with a fine design process. The energy consumption and overall cost also need to be attractive. (DESCRIPTION) Technical Information: The technical information, guidance, and other statements contained in this document or otherwise provided by 3M are based upon records, tests, or experience that 3M believes to be reliable, but the accuracy, completeness, and representative nature of such information is not guaranteed. Such information is intended for people with knowledge and technical skills sufficient to assess and apply their own informed judgment to the information. No license under any 3M or third party intellectual property rights is granted or implied with this information. Product Selection and Use: Many factors beyond 3M's control and uniquely within user's knowledge and control can affect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application. As a result, customer is solely responsible for evaluating the product and determining whether it is appropriate and suitable for customer's application, including conducting a workplace hazard assessment and reviewing all applicable regulations and standards (e.g., O S H A, A N S I, etc.). Failure to properly evaluate, select, and use a 3M product and appropriate safety products, or to meet all applicable safety regulations, may result in injury, sickness, death, and/or harm to property. Warranty, Limited Remedy, and Disclaimer: Unless a different warranty is specifically stated on the applicable 3M product packaging or product literature (in which case such warranty governs), 3M warrants that each 3M product meets the applicable 3M product specification at the time 3M ships the product. 3M makes no other warranties or conditions, express or implied,including, but not limited to,any implied warranty or condition of merchantability,fitness for a particular purpose,or arising out of a course of dealing,custom,or usage of trade. If a 3M product does not conform to this warranty, then the sole and exclusive remedy is, at 3M's option, replacement of the 3M product or refund of the purchase price. Limitation of Liability: Except for the limited remedy stated above, and except to the extent prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from or related to the 3M product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential (including, but not limited to, lost profits or business opportunity), regardless of the legal or equitable theory asserted, including, but not limited to, warranty, contract, negligence, or strict liability. Automotive and Aerospace Solutions Division. 3M Center. St. Paul, Minnesota 55144-1000. Phone: 1-800-328-1684. Web: w w w dot 3M dot com slash e v battery. 3M, Command, Dual Lock, Dyneon, lnteram, Isoloss, Post-it, Scotch, Scotch-Weld, Scotchcal, Scotchcast, Scotchlite, Thinsulate and Three-M-lte are trademarks of 3M Company and its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Copyright 3M 2023. All rights reserved. Logo, 3M. Text, Science, Applied to life.
(DESCRIPTION) Logo text, 3M Science. Applied to Life. Addressing Sustainability and Recyclability in Cell-to-Pack Designs How are O.E.Ms addressing these challenges? Copyright 3M 2023. All Rights Reserved. 3M Public. (SPEECH) In the next two slides, I'll share a few specific design concepts that are addressing battery repair and disassembly challenges. Not every of them are realistic for real application, but they might be able to spark our thoughts regarding how to adapt a design approach to include more sustainability elements in a battery design. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Easy access and operation. On the left is a rectangle split down the middle longways with raised sides that lower down labeled Space and access for operation. Text underneath, A common challenge for operators to dismantle battery packs is limited space and access for operation. This example of a design of the lower tray of the battery consists of a bottom plate and a side frame that can be disassembled to allow access and sight that are necessary for the next operations. On the right is a rectangle with horizontal slats that fit cooling plates labeled Design for maintenance. Text underneath, Battery cells, cooling plates and holders are delicately designed to allow cells to be checked and text obscured individually. Mechanical connections text obscured used to hold the structure together. (SPEECH) The first example on the left is a concept to solve the issue of line of sight. a common challenge for operators to dismantle battery packs is limited space and access for operation. This example shows a design of a lower battery tray that is made up of a bottom plate and a side frame that can be disassembled to allow access inside that are necessary for next operations. The example on the right allows each battery cell to be checked and replaced individually without tearing down the entire module. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Modular disassembly. On the left is a rectangle broken up into a top half and bottom half that fits two rectangles that lock into place in each half. Text underneath, Strained module assembly. Use mechanical fixtures such as springs and buckel to fix modules with robustness desired. Reversible process allows easy disassembly. On the right is a rectangle with 10 compartments that each slide down and out. Text underneath, Swappable module. Bottom of battery tray is designed to be openable at module level. Delicately designed module structure text obscured system allows each individual module to be text obscured pack and replaced. (SPEECH) The third example on the left shows a concept to use springs and buckles to fix modules to battery pack frame. Instead of using adhesives to bond permanently, this approach allows easy disassembly. And the last example on the right refers to a concept that allows battery replacement at the module level. The bottom of the battery tray is designed to be openable at module level. And a delicate designed module structure and a connection system allows each individual module to be separated from pack and replaced. (DESCRIPTION) Text, How can 3M help O.E.Ms achieve their sustainability targets? (SPEECH) Now, let's talk about how 3M is able to help OEMs to achieve battery designs with sustainability elements. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Achieving CTP design with high standards for sustainability. Reuse, Recycle, Repair & Rework. Three materials layered on top of one another. Text, 3M Debond-on-Demand Technology. Thermally induced, Mechanically debond, Light induced, Electricity induced. (SPEECH) As we mentioned before, one of the important problems to solve in achieving cell-to-pack design without compromising on sustainability standard is to achieve battery disassembly. 3M has a very extensive technology platform to realize demand-on-demand, a solution feature that provides bonding strength at the desired level for working conditions, where it can be debonded as needed. Different mechanisms can be leveraged for debond that can be induced mechanically, or by heat, light, or even electricity. (DESCRIPTION) Text, Technical Information: The technical information, guidance, and other statements contained in this document or otherwise provided by 3M are based upon records, tests, or experience that 3M believes to be reliable, but the accuracy, completeness, and representative nature of such information is not guaranteed. Such information is intended for people with knowledge and technical skills sufficient to assess and apply their own informed judgment to the information. No license under any 3M or third party intellectual property rights is granted or implied with this information. Product Selection and Use: Many factors beyond 3M's control and uniquely within user's knowledge and control can affect the use and performance of a 3M product in a particular application. As a result, customer is solely responsible for evaluating the product and determining whether it is appropriate and suitable for customer's application, including conducting a workplace hazard assessment and reviewing all applicable regulations and standards (e.g., OSHA, ANSI, etc.). Failure to properly evaluate, select, and use a 3M product and appropriate safety products, or to meet all applicable safety regulations, may result in injury, sickness, death, and/or harm to property. Warranty, Limited Remedy, and Disclaimer: Unless a different warranty is specifically stated on the applicable 3M product packaging or product literature (in which case such warranty governs), 3M warrants that each 3M product meets the applicable 3M product specification at the time 3M ships the product. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ARISING OUT OF A COURSE OF DEALING, CUSTOM, OR USAGE OF TRADE. If a 3M product does not conform to this warranty, then the sole and exclusive remedy is, at 3M's option, replacement of the 3M product or refund of the purchase price. Limitation of Liability: Except for the limited remedy stated above, and except to the extent prohibited by law, 3M will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from or related to the 3M product, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential (including, but not limited to, lost profits or business opportunity), regardless of the legal or equitable theory asserted, including, but not limited to, warranty, contract, negligence, or strict liability. Automotive and Aerospace Solutions Division 3M Center St. Paul, MN 55144-1000. Phone: 1-800-328-1684. Web: www.3 e v battery. 3M, Command, Dual Lock, Dyneon, Interam, ISOLOSS, Post-it, Scotch, Scotch-Weld, Scotchcal, Scotchcast, Scotchlite, Thinsulate and Three-M-Ite are trademarks of 3M Company and its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Copyright 3M 2023 All rights reserved Logo text, 3M Science. Applied to Life.
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