3M™ High Flow Serie kohlefreie Filterpatronen

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Provides consistent quality water

Reduces particulate* from incoming water

Sanitary Quick Change (SQC) encapsulated cartridge design allows for fast and easy cartridge change-outs without the need for a filter wrench

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  • Provides consistent quality water
  • Reduces particulate* from incoming water
  • Sanitary Quick Change (SQC) encapsulated cartridge design allows for fast and easy cartridge change-outs without the need for a filter wrench
  • Mit integriertem Ventil

Die 3M™ High Flow Serie kohlefreie Austauschfilterpatrone gewährleistet durch die Reduzierung von Partikeln* eine konsistente Wasserqualität. Durch den integrierten hygienischen Schnellwechselkopf (SQC) lassen sich Filterpatronenwechsel einfach und ohne Filterschlüssel durchführen.

Die 3M™ High Flow Serie Austauschfilterpatrone gewährleistet durch die Reduktion von Partikeln*, Zysten** und Bakterien1 eine konsistente Wasserqualität. Ein übermäßiger Partikelgehalt kann zu Abrieb und einer verkürzten Lebensdauer von Pumpen, Dichtungen, O-Ringen und Ventilen führen. Das Filtrationsmedium mit Integrated Membrane Pre-Activated Carbon Technology („I.M.P.A.C.T.“) kombiniert eine Membran mit einem Aktivkohleblock, was für einen hervorragenden Durchsatz und eine lange Lebensdauer der Filterpatrone sorgt. Durch den integrierten hygienischen Schnellwechselkopf (SQC) lassen sich Filterpatronenwechsel schnell, einfach und ohne Filterschlüssel durchführen. Creative Filtration Technology 3M™ Water Filtration Products systems and cartridges offer a wide range of solutions designed to address many types of water quality concerns. Third-party certifications, such as NSF and WQA, are an advantage provided on many 3M Water Filtration Products. 3M Purification is a known leader in filtration technology recognized for innovation, trust, and quality around the world. Recipe Quality Water™ Having cleaner and clearer water for your business is both a pleasure and a reassurance that you’re giving your customers recipe quality water. With a water filtration system from 3M Purification, you can provide filtered water that may help protect your equipment and your profits. From commercial point-of-entry to dedicated point-of-use water filtration systems, look to 3M Purification to help you find the right solution. A History of Innovation For more than a century, 3M has applied innovation and technology to improve customers’ lives and support their business goals. From its headquarters in St. Paul, Minnesota, 3M serves industrial and commercial customers and consumers in nearly 200 countries. Across thousands of products, the 3M brand represents consistency, superior quality, and value. Success begins with a culture of creative collaboration that inspires a never-ending stream of powerful technologies and product solutions that make life better.



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